When looking to pursue a career in business, getting a degree in marketing could be the best option available. When you do pursue a degree in marketing, you will learn the basic skills necessary to market both yourself and a business, both of which are skills that are vital to professional success. While getting a bachelor’s degree in marketing is a great educational option, getting an MBA could be an even better option. For those that have a degree in marketing, there are several MBA degree options that would complement the degree well.
Masters of Economics
The first great option would be to get a Masters degree in Economics. Economics is the study of money and the economy. Many people that have a MBA in this field will find that they have plenty of lucrative job opportunities available to them after they are done. Many of these jobs are on Wall Street and in other financial sectors. For those that has bachelors in marketing, having the sales background on top of the expertise in economics will make them very marketable to employers and help them succeed immediately when they enter the working world.
Masters of Advertising
When getting a bachelor’s degree in marketing, there are many different fields that people can go into. One of these fields is advertising, where people would get to use their creativity and sales skills that they learned in undergrad. Those that like advertising will likely find that there are many different opportunities for people that also have a master’s degree. Those with a master’s degree will have plenty of different professional opportunities on both the sales and creative side of the business.
Masters of Public Relations
The third field that people should consider specializing in when they have a marketing degree is public relations. Public relations is a field where someone specializes in helping to develop a better public image for a person, program, business, or a range of other entities. This professional field clearly requires someone to have the ability to appeal to an audience and market whatever person or entity that they are representing. While a bachelors degree in marketing will give a basic understanding of the public relations field, getting a masters in the field will give far more specific education, which will help someone to excel immediately in the field.
Masters of Finance or Accounting
While marketing is a great way to get into any business, many businesses may ultimately want their top professionals to have finance or accounting background as well, which will help them to understand the financial background of a business. Those that receive a degree in this field will have far more upward mobility than someone that does not.
In conclusion, getting a bachelor’s degree in marketing could be a great educational choice as it will provide one with the skills and education necessary to succeed in the professional world. Those that do obtain a bachelor’s degree in marketing may want to also pursue a MBA. Those that do choose to pursue an MBA after getting a bachelors degree in marketing will find that there several different focuses that could be beneficial.
Here’s a look at “Top 10 Best Marketing Degree Programs“.