How Do You Become a Social Media Marketing Strategist?

Social Media Marketing StrategistMany people, attracted by their knowledge of social media site sand their proficiency in using the Internet effectively, aspire to become a social media marketing strategist and make the most of these technologies. The good news is that this is one of the fastest-growing areas of the marketing sector, and it often requires candidates to have only a bachelor’s degree to secure an entry-level position. Along with education, there are a few requirements that aspiring social media marketing strategists must fulfill if they wish to land a rewarding, long-term career in this growing field.

Start with a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing

Social media marketing might be almost entirely Internet-based, but that doesn’t mean candidates should forego the traditional marketing degree that has worked so well for other marketing professionals in the past. Today’s undergraduate marketing programs include entire courses on social media marketing and Internet advertising, and these classes will help give students the vocabulary and skill set thy need to impress employers, relate to clients, and perform their job efficiently after they’ve been hired.

Students who wish to eventually advance into marketing management roles, including that of a social media marketing manager, might want to take their education one step further. Most managers in this area do have a master’s degree in marketing, though some have undertaken brand new programs in social media management and web marketing as well.

Build a Work-Friendly Social Media Presence in Advance

The best way for a new social media marketing strategist to convince a potential employer they’re the right fit for the job is to put together a robust online presence. Make sure that this online presence shows every strength within social media: A professional profile on a site like LinkedIn, work-friendly profiles on Facebook and Twitter, and a selection of hobbies on Pinterest. Create a presence that’s informative, professional, and inclusive of all of the latest social media marketing strategies. This example of proficiency and competence will almost certainly be researched by hiring managers, so keep an eye on the “recent views” section of LinkedIn’s news feed during the hiring process.

Gain Experience Through Internships

Employers almost always ask for experience, which many entry-level candidates find to be unfair. There really is no reason that entry-level marketing candidates can’t have a wealth of experience in social media marketing, however. Most candidates use social media every day, and can spend at least some of their Internet time using the marketing and business tools that those sites offer. Most universities also offer to connect students with local marketing firms so that they can establish professional experience that will boost their resume and increase their chances of landing an entry-level position. Always make sure to maximize on-campus resources and any available free time, since these are the two best methods to develop marketable experience in advance of a job search.

Related Resource: Web Marketing

Growth in Social Media is Good News for Social Media Strategists

Social media continues to grow in influence, as companies now seek to manage every aspect of their online presence and reach their customers in exciting new ways. The explosive growth in social media marketing means that it’s actually easier than ever to land a strategist job in the field. According to Education Portal, to successfully become a social media marketing strategist, make sure to focus on a marketing-focused bachelor’s degree, a commanding online presence, and any possible opportunity to gain professional experience in the field.