What is a Brand Manager in Marketing?

The brand manager has one of the most critical jobs in marketing. The brand manager’s responsibility is to oversee and ensure the presence of factors that determine the quality of the consumers’ experience with the brand, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. By closely managing the factors that determine customer satisfaction, brand managers have a direct hand in the development of a brand’s reputation. In a sense, it could be said that the brand itself is an extension of the brand manager’s ability to ensure that the business lives up to a good reputation.

Target Market Identification

Before anything else, brand managers must have a clear vision of the target market of the brand. By being able to construct a strong and specific profile of the ideal buyer, the brand manager will be able to determine how closely each action the brand takes resonates with the target market.

After the target market has been accurately identified, the brand manager will make it a priority to foster as positive a relationship with this ideal buyer demographic as possible. Customer appreciation events and targeted content marketing are just a few of the things that a brand manager may propose and spearhead to continue developing a positive relationship with the target market, according to TechTarget.

Tangible Aspects

In addition to customer outreach actions, the brand manager will also be involved in the physical productions of the brand as well. Everything from the aesthetic appeal of the product to the price of the unit will have an impact on the customer experience; naturally, these things need to be determined with balance between profitability for the business and empathy with the disposition of the ideal buyers.

Perceived Value

By taking all the factors of an ideal customer’s positive experience with the brand into account, a brand manager can develop a powerful strategy for increasing the brand’s perceived value. The perceived value of a brand is not the same as its price tag. The perceived value of the brand transcends its price and communicates an impression of “worthiness” to those that it is directed toward.

When the perceived value of a brand has been raised to a high-enough point, the brand no longer needs to use hard-selling tactics its loyal target market. Rather than needing to make hard sales, its ideal buyers will have enough motivation to do business with the brand out of a sense of belonging to the “community” that the brand manager has established.

Brand Humanization

In the earliest days of a brand establishing itself, a brand manager will have an uphill battle to fight against the lack of social proof and a great deal of niche competition. The most important priority for the brand manager to pursue in the challenging first quarters will be to emphasize the brand’s unique personality and reliability.

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Though there may be many different brands with many differently-minded target markets, every brand manager’s campaign will depend upon a strong emotional connection with ideal buyer. A successful brand management campaign will be the intersection between emotional mapping, strategic content marketing, graphic design, pricing, and numerous other aspects on every level of the business. Because of the diverse array of different areas that brand manager will need to be heavily involved in, their teamwork skills will be just as vital as their organizational skills.